Pensamento crítico, como ele pode me ajudar no futuro?
Soluções para a tarefa
Assinale a apresenta que a) John and Christopher forgot their backpacks in b) Today, I saw Paul and Tom with their children c) The cake is delicious, but he is very expensive d) We are going to invite all our friends to the party alternativa a) big-also- years superlativo. b) fastest - oldest - big c) youngest - oldest - smartest d) youngest - big - oldest 04 Analise as frases abaixo e assinale a que - apresenta desvios das regras de utilização dos pronomes possessivos: Assinale a apresenta que a) John and Christopher forgot their backpacks in b) Today, I saw Paul and Tom with their children c) The cake is delicious, but he is very expensive d) We are going to invite all our friends to the party alternativa a) big-also- years superlativo. b) fastest - oldest - big c) youngest - oldest - smartest d) youngest - big - oldest 04 Analise as frases abaixo e assinale a que - apresenta desvios das regras de utilização dos pronomes possessivos: espero ter ajudado