Inglês, perguntado por rayanesundadozo16, 1 ano atrás

Passe para o interrogativo:♥
You studied English
You see the door
You took the table
You broke the window
You left to the United States

Pra hj♥

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por PoncioPilatos


- You studied English: Did you studied English?

- You see the door: Did you see the door?

- You took the table: Did you took the table?

- You broke the window: Did you broke the window?

- You left to the United States: Did you left to the United States?


Respondido por drezzamartinsbieber


Did you study English?

Did you see the door?

Did you take the table?

Did you break the window?

Did you leave to the United States?


Quando tornamos a frase interrogativa o verbo conjugado no passado (ex: broke & left ) volta a estar na forma "original" (ex: to break & to leave) porque o "Did" (que é usado para iniciar perguntas no pretérito) já dá essa ideia, então não precisamos escrever os verbos conjugados no pretérito novamente. Espero que tenha dado pra entender. <3

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