Inglês, perguntado por cantoniosilva885, 1 ano atrás

passe para língua inglesa.

1 – Vocês estavam dormindo no chão.

2 – Ela estava secando as mãos.

3 – Ele estava fazendo salada de tomate.

4 – Nós estávamos curtindo na festa.

5 – Eu estava lendo meus livros.

6 – As crianças brincaram no parque.

7 – Os homens rezaram nas igrejas.

8 – As pessoas limparam suas cidades.

9 – A felicidade iniciou com pequenas coisas.

10 – As mulheres correram na rua ontem.

11 – As garotas levaram muitos vestidos nas férias.

12 – Os lobos morreram queimados na floresta.

13 – Seus pés voaram quando ela pulou alto.

14 – As festas em nossa cidade acabaram em diversão.

15 – Nossos heróis nos salvaram.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gamonteiro309


1-You were sleeping on the floor.

2 - She was drying her hands.

3 - He was making tomato salad.

4 - We were enjoying the party.

5 - I was reading my books.

6 - Children played in the park.

7 - Men prayed in the churches.

8 - People cleaned up their cities.

9 - Happiness started with little things.

10 - Women ran on the street yesterday.

11 - The girls took many dresses on vacation.

12 - The wolves were burned to death in the forest.

13 - Her feet flew when she jumped high.

14 - The parties in our city ended in fun.

15 - Our heroes saved us.

cantoniosilva885: obrigado
gamonteiro309: Por nada
Respondido por cauazin005


1. You were sleeping on the floor.

2. She was drying her hands.

3. He was making tomato salad.

4. We were enjoying the party.

5. I was reading my books.

6. The children played in the park.

7. Men prayed in the churches.

8. People cleaned up their cities.

9. Happiness started with little things.

10. The women ran on the street yesterday.

11. The girls took many dresses on vacation.

12. The wolves burned to death in the forest.

13. Her feet flew when she jumped high.

14. The parties in our city ended in fun.

15. Our heroes saved us.

Espero ter te ajudado

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