Inglês, perguntado por juliaslopes2, 1 ano atrás

-Passe para formas contraídas as orações com Simple Future:

A) She Will go to school
B) They Will not study math
C) She Will prepare dinner
D) He Will not whatch a horror film
E) I will sleep earlier
F) They will travel next week
G) He will not write a letter

por favor me ajudem ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por isa51377


a) She'll go to school

b) They won't study math

c) She'll prepare dinner

d) He won't watch a horror film

e) I'll sleep earlier

f) They'll travel next week

g) He won't write a letter

juliaslopes2: obgd
Respondido por mbreviante

A forma contraída do will é 'll

Ou seja

A) she'll go to school

B) they'll not study

C)she'll prepare dinner

D)he'll not watch tv

E)i'll sleep earlier

F)they'll travel next week

G)he'll not write a letter

O will expressa acontecimentos futuros a contração so pode ser feita com a base wil(afirmativa)

mbreviante: ola,se for possivel colocar como a melhor resposta agradeço
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