Inglês, perguntado por niviafrebelo, 11 meses atrás

Passe para forma negativa e interrogativa

a) She is going to Maués with them
b) He is going to correct the tests
c) They are going to graduate in december
d) It is going to be hot today
e) He is going to play soccer

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gwaccaboxoxzn7j
a) She isn't going to Maues with them.
Is she going to Maues with them?

b)He isn't going to correct the test.
Is he going to correct the test?

c)They aren't going to graduate in december.
Are they going to graduate in december?

d) It isn't going to be hot today.
is it going to be hot today?

e) He isn't going to play soccer.
Is he going to play soccer?

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