Inglês, perguntado por vinicius4610, 11 meses atrás

passe as sentenças abaixo para a forma NEGATIVA do PRESENTE CONTINUO : A) i am running in the school? B)he is talking in spanish now? C)they are smoking right now? D) you are speaking in english? E) we are writing in french?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por tacyenoh


A) I am not running in the school.

B) he isn't talking in spanish now.

C) they aren't smoking right now.

D) you aren't speaking in english.

E) we aren't writing in french.

espero ter ajudado :)

vinicius4610: ajudou bastante obrigado
tacyenoh: fico feliz em ajudar :D
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