Inglês, perguntado por ge248922, 8 meses atrás

Passe as frases abaixo que estão na active Voice para a passive Voice

1 Marco repaired the car.

2 Jonh will make a great dinner tonight.

3 Every day Claire reads the newspaper.

4 The teacher gave the books tô the students.

5 Righ now, Margaret is writing an e-mail.

Me ajudem pfv!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por krttt


1 - The car was repaired  by Marco.

2 - A great  dinner will be made by John tonight.

3 - Every day the newspaper is read by Claire.

4 - The books were given to the students by the teacher.

5 - Right now an e-mail is been written by Margaret


espero ter ajudado se puder dar melhor resposta agradeço : )

ge248922: Ainda não apareceu para marcar como melhor resposta
ge248922: Assim que aparecer eu marco
ge248922: Obrigada
krttt: blz mano de nada
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