Inglês, perguntado por ferreiraroniel220, 6 meses atrás

Passe as frases abaixo para as formas NEGATIVA e INTERROGATIVA:

We're going to throw a party next Sunday. *

The children are going to swim in the lake, *

Fernanda is going to drink some coffee. *

SchoolHater99: Na sua pergunta tem apenas três frases? Estou perguntando isso porque entre a primeira e a segunda tem um espaço, talvez não tenho saído na pergunta.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por SchoolHater99


- We're going to throw a party next Sunday.

NEG: We aren't going to throw a party next Sunday.

INT: Are we going to throw a party next Sunday?

- The children are going to swim in the lake.

NEG: The children aren't going to swim in the lake

INT: Are the children going to swim in the lake?

- Fernanda is going to drink some coffee.

NEG: Fernanda isn't going to drink some coffee.

INT: Is Fernanda going to drink some coffee?


Para negar uma frase em Inglês, devemos usar o verbo to be do sujeito e acrescentar o not na frente, por exemplo: You are not, I am not, She is not; ou podemos também abrevia-los: You aren't, I'm not, She isn't.

Para interrogar devemos colocar o verbo to be antes do sujeito: Are you? Am I? Is she?

Respondido por kailaneines


we re Young tô not thorow a party next sunday

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