Passe as frases abaixo para a forma interrogativa e negativa, observando sempre a terceira pessoa do singular 1- l like rock músic (to like). 2- He plays soccer Very well (to play) 3- they go to School in ther afternoon (to Go). 4- she watches tv every day (to watch) 5- gou arrive late (to arrive). 6- we love my parents (to love)
Soluções para a tarefa
1) Do I like rock music? (interrogativa)/ I don't like rock music. (negativa)
2) Does he play soccer very well? (interrogativa) / He doesn't play soccer very well. (negativa)
3) Do they go to school in the afternoon? (interrogativa) / They don't go to school in the afternoon. (negativa)
4) Does she watch tv everyday? (interrogativa) / She doesn't watch tv everyday. (negativa)
5) Does he/she arrive late? (interrogativa) / He/She doesn't arrive late. (negativa)
OBS: Eu não entendi o pronome nessa questão, então dependendo de qual for ele, a frase pode mudar. Eu entendi que "Gou" seria um garoto mas não posso generalizar. Se for uma garota coloque "she", se for um garoto coloque "he".
6) Do we love my parents? (interrogativa) / We don't love my parents. (negativa)