passar para o passado simples em inglês, as seguintes palavra:
a) they love eating pop cont
b) i live in sao paulo
c) you work everyday
d) do you eat meta?
e)you dont eat this
f)they don't live togete
g) does he practice sports?
h) she doesn't make her nails
i)she watches tv and series on YouTube
Soluções para a tarefa
Pra não ficar muito grande, você acrescentar ed ou ied nós verbos com finais, se o verbo for regular na terminação acrescentamos ED, quando o verbo termina em E acresenta somente D
EX: love~loved
se o verbo terminar em y e se antes do y tem uma consoante acrescenta IED
EX: study~studied
se o verbo for curto e terminar em CVC( consoante, vogal, consoante) duplica a consoante final e acrescenta ED
EX: stop~stopped
deu pra entender ?
a) loved
i)watched ou watchsed
a) they loved eating pop cont
b) I lived in São Paulo
C) you worked everyday
D) did you eat meta?
E) you didn't this
f) They didn't live togete
h) she didn't make her nails
g) did he practice sports?
I) She watched TV and series on YouTube