Inglês, perguntado por thais2004p96nqr, 10 meses atrás

Para hoje me ajuda vale 4 pontos. Complete as frases com o Simple Past(ações curtas) e o Past continuous(ação longa). A- I______(get)ready when my friends____(arrive). B- It_____(start)to rain when we____(leave)the house. c-I_____(drive) when the car_____(hit)me. D-when Sara_____(get)home last night,her mother_____(cook)dinner. E- I_____(watch)Tv when the doorbell_____(ring).

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por clarissatfonsepawdtp

A- got, was arriving
B- started, was leaving
C - was driving, hit
D- was getting, cooked
E- was watching, rang

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