Inglês, perguntado por emrodrigues93, 10 meses atrás

* On Monday the house
3. Complete com Many ou Much
a. There are dogs and cats for adoption if you want one.
b. I have books.
c. Do you want water?
d. I have so
love to give
e. How........potatoes do you need
1. Do you need milk?
How cartoons of orange juice do you want?
4. Em que situação usamos o Wl Complete as frases abaixo com Will e depois
traduza as para observar o uso dele.
a Wait for me. Igo) with you.
b. If you visit the shoping malls, you . (see) rap's influence on teen style.
c. I promissel. (give) you your favorite CD.
d. You (lend) me your new video game.
e. It. (be) summer soon.
5. Em que situação usamos o going to? Complete as frases com a estrutura correta do
going to e depois traduza-as para observar o uso dele.
a. Tey (watch) music videos on MTV this afternoon.
b. We (go) to the shopping center to see our favorite rappers
c. I think he (win) the contest.
d. They - (spend) the weekend at Peter's.
e. 1 (listen) to some music this afternoon.
6. Observe as frases abaixo e passe-as para as formas negativa e interrogativa.
a. I will go home now.
b. Aline will take the car out the garage.
c. My mom will get crazy about it.
d. I'll talk to you later.
e. We are going to the cinema later.
f. This night is going to be cold.
g. We're going to settle a date for it.
h. It's going to rain later.
7. Destaque nas frases as palavras que expressão futuro.
a. He will speak with you tomorrow.
b. We will not go to college next month.
c. Next year, I will visit the USA.
d. See you next week.
e. We'll be there in three days.
8. Complete as frases fazendo o comparativo dos adjetivos em parênteses.
a. My city is
(old) than yours.
b. Jane is
(tall) than Melissa
c. Dogs are usually
(heavy) than cats.
d. Watching a film in DVD is
-----(cheap) than going to the theatre.
e. This brand of pastry is
(good) than the brand I usually buy
1. The book I'm reading is much
interesting) than all the
books I've read in the past.​

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