Inglês, perguntado por Marimuniz18, 10 meses atrás

Oi boa noite, preciso de 30 frases em inglês no afirmativo, negativo é interrogativo. por favor !!!

AquaPurple: 30 de cada? Digo, 30 no afirmativo, 30 no negativo, e 30 no interrogativo?
Marimuniz18: Não, é 10 de cada
Marimuniz18: Obrigada
AquaPurple: Ah sim, então está feito :) De nada ^-^

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por AquaPurple
Boa noite
Fiz 10 frases de cada (mesmo "repetidas", totalizam 30), qualquer coisa se precisar, eu faço mais frases e acrescento :)

He is studying.
My father is drinking wine.
Lisa is lying.
They are playing football.
I am writing a book.
We are talking about our inheritance.
She is washing the dishes.
It is raining.
I am thinking in another way to do it better.
You are asking for help.

He is not studying.
My father is not drinking wine.
Lisa is not lying.
They are not playing football.
I am not writing a book.
We are not talking about our inheritance.
She is not washing the dishes.
It is not raining.
I am not thinking in another way to do it better.
You are not asking for help.

Is he  studying?
Is my father drinking wine?
Is Lisa lying?
Are they playing football?
Am I writing a book?
Are we talking about our inheritance?
Is she washing the dishes?
Is it raining?
Am I thinking in another way to do it better?
Are you asking for help?

Espero ter ajudado :D
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