1 Read the excerpt from a speech by Nelson Mandela and are the
following questions,
Retirement Announcement by Former President Helson Mandela
1 June 2004
I am turning 86 in a few weeks time and that is a longer life than most people are granted.
have the added blessing of being in very good health, at least according to my doctors, i am
confident that nobody present here today will accuse me of selfishness if I ask to spend time
while I am still in good health, with my family, my friends and also with myself
One of the things that made me long to be back in prison was that I had so little opportunity
for reading, thinking and quiet reflection after my release. I intend, amongst other things, to
give myself much more opportunity for such reading and reflection. And of course, there are
those memoirs about the presidential years that now really need my urgent attention.
I do not intend to hide away totally from the public, but henceforth I want to be in the position
of calling you to ask whether I would be welcome, rather than being called upon to do things
and participate in events. The appeal therefore is: don't call me, I'll call you.
Excerpt from speech, MANDELA, N. Retirement Announcement. Johannesburg, June 1, 2014
What is the purpose of this speech?
b Who does Mandela want to spend time with while he is still healthy?
c What did he intend to do as soon as he had more time for himself?
Read the text in question 1 again and do the following.
a Find a sentence containing the word "if".
b Why was "if" used in this sentence?
3 Choose the best option to complete the statements about the text in question 1.
a If Mandela wants to spend more time with his family,
I nobody will accuse him of being selfish.
Il everybody will accuse him of being selfish.
b If he has more time for himself,
1 he will travel more and launch social campaigns.
Il he will read more, reflect more and write his memoirs.
C If he wants to participate in events,
1 he will call people.
Il he will wait for a call.
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