Inglês, perguntado por comercial02vivianear, 10 meses atrás

Observe a imagem e escreva 5 frases usando there was/ there were

Exemplo: There was a window in the bedroom.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mimucelin15
There was a cat on the rug
There were two pets in the bedroom
There was a bed in the bedroom
There were colored pencils
There was a lamp on the nightstand
espero ter ajudado, bons estudos:)

mimucelin15: Achou?
mimucelin15: ????
mimucelin15: ??
mimucelin15: Amg achou?
mimucelin15: ???
mimucelin15: Amg conseguiu?
comercial02vivianear: Vou te chamar
comercial02vivianear: Calmaaaa
mimucelin15: Taa
mimucelin15: É que eu preciso entregar hoje
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