O caso possessivo (the possessive case) é uma forma de indicar a relaçao de posse entre uma palavra e outra
(geralmente usada para animais e pessoas, mas também para coisas). Ao invés de usar a preposição of utiliza-se
o apóstrofo seguido de 5.
The tail of the dog - The dog's toil. (O rabo do cachorro)
• The fother of the bride - The bride's fother. (O pai da noiva)
1. Leia o texto e responda as questões em inglés
Zock isn't from Brazil.
Zock Terry is 25 years old. He's not from Brazil. He is American, but he's in Brazil now. His address is 450 Poulisto Avenue,
apartment 45. He's a reporter for Teen Style magazine. He's also a reporter for newspapers and television. His best
friends are Roberto Camargo and Louise Guimond. Roberto and Louise aren't American, Robert's from Brazil and
Louise's French
a) How old is Zack?
d) What's his occupation?
b) is he from Brazil?
e) Where's Roberto from?
c) What's his address?
f) Where's Louise from?
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
a) He is 25 years old
d) He is a reporter
b) No, he isn't.
e) He is from Brazil
c) His address is 450 Paulista Avenue, apartment 45
f) She is from French
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