Inglês, perguntado por vitorfelipej4, 2 meses atrás

now turn the setences below into negative and interrogative form:

a)you want to be there

b) I read a book every month

c) you like your mother

d)he lives alone

e)she likes you

f) I have a beautiful black cat​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por cksoratto

Oii! Aqui vai a minha resposta:

a) You don’t want to be there.

b) I don’t read a book every month.

c) You don’t like your mother.

d) He doesn’t live alone.

e) She doesn’t like you.

f) I don’t have a beautiful black cat.

Bons estudos! :D

vitorfelipej4: vlw me ajudo mt =)
cksoratto: De nada :D
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