Inglês, perguntado por anacaroline39587, 1 ano atrás

- Now let's read and answer the questions!
Freddy is a high school teacher. He teaches math and P.E. (physical education at Carver High
School. He likes his job very much. He has worked there for ten years. In math class, Frey teaches
algebra to his students. In PE class, Freddy and his students play different kinds of sports. Heli
working with high school students but sometimes the job is tiring and he feels tired.
Para compreendermos um texto em lingua inglesa, nao precisamos traduzir todas as palavras
podemos fazer inferências das imagens, se o texto as trouzer podemos procurar as palavras co-
nhecidas e aquelas que parecem com as palavras da lingua portuguesa, que chamamos de pala-
vras cognatas. Retire do texto palavras ou expressoes que você consegue reconhecer por serem
parecidas com as palavras em lingua portuguesa ou por entende-las oclo contexto:
Answer the questions in english:
a) \s Freddy an elementary teacher?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por anajuliafteixeira


a) no (b) yes, he likes his work a lot, he has worked for 10 years (c) no, yes (d) both subjects (e) no

anajuliafteixeira: já respondi o resto das questões
emanuel0374953958: obgd
anajuliafteixeira: por nada ^ ^
jatnielamarante104: essas respostas são a letra A B. C. D. E.
anajuliafteixeira: eu sei
Respondido por joav81782


a) Not b) Yes he like more

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