Inglês, perguntado por laviniaalves0207, 7 meses atrás

Name:_______________________________________Grade:___________number:_________ 1.Preencha as lacunas das frases com “regular verbs”, então traduza as frases. a.I____________a good film yesterday.( to watch) b.He ___________her friends last weekend. ( to visit) c.They __________the violin at the party. ( to play) d.They_____________hard last month.(to work) e.You______________your living room very well!( to clean) f.In the afternoon I ____________________along a lake. (to walk) g.My cousin _____________the piano and I ____________the drinks.( to play/to prepare) h.In the morning I _____________the birds and the sunset.( to watch) I.On weekends we_______________parties.( to organize) 2.Reescreva o texto abaixo substituindo os verbos grifados pelo passado. Também substitua a expressão every day por yesterday. Obs:Letra legível) 3..Complete as sentenças com o ”Simple Past Tense” dos verbos regulares, em seguida, assinale na alternativa correta. I ________my friend yesterday. ( to visit) a.( )visited b.( ) visitied They_________a new restaurant last week. ( to open) a.( ) opened b.( ) oppened The little boy_________your question. ( to answer) a.( ) answered b.( ) answerred Jonas________very well yesterday. ( to dance) a.( ) danced b.( ) danceed The children___________the new recreation center last week.(to visit) a.( )visited b.( ) visitied You_________computer games yesterday. ( to play) a.( ) played b.( ) plaied We________the new coffee shop.( to love) a.( )loved b.( ) loveed My father ____________Canada at university. ( to study) a.( )studyed b.( ) studied me ajudem por favore

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