Inglês, perguntado por matheus5barbosa131, 1 mês atrás

N 4-Coloque as frases nas formas NEGATIVA e INTERROGATIVA: 1-The ship was enormous 1 2-The passengers were in danger N 1 3-It was a safe ship N 1 4-The ship was built in 1909 N​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustmelo92
the ship was not enourmous
was the ship enourmous?

the passengers were not in danger
were the passangers in danger?

the ship was not built in 1909
was the ship built in 1909?
Respondido por Edsonpinheiro927


1- The ship was not enormous. / Was the ship enormous?

2- The passenger were not in danger. / were the passengers in danger?

3- The ship was not build in 1909 N / Was the ship build in 1909 N?

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