Movie Genres
- Pesquise e escreva a sinopse de um Movie de cada gênero de filme a seguir:
Soluções para a tarefa
Birds of Prey: Harlequin and Its Fantastic Emancipation
After venturing with the Joker, Harlequin joins Black Canary, Huntress and Renee Montoya to save the life of a little girl from the criminal Black Mask in Gotham City.
Avengers: Endgame
After Thanos eliminates half of the living creatures, the Avengers have to deal with the loss of friends and loved ones. With Tony Stark wandering lost in space without water and food, Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanov lead the resistance against the crazy titan.
Frozen 2
Back in Elsa and Anna's childhood, the two girls discover a story about their father, when he was still prince of Arendelle. He tells the girls the story of a visit to the forest of the elements, where an unexpected event would have caused the city's inhabitants to separate with the four fundamental elements: air, fire, earth and water. This revelation helps Elsa to understand the source of her powers.
In the wild
Christopher McCandless, the son of wealthy parents, graduates from Emory University as one of the best students and athletes. However, instead of embarking on a prestigious and lucrative career, he chooses to donate his savings to charity, get rid of his belongings and travel through Alaska.
Every Day
Rhiannon, a 16-year-old girl, falls in love with a mysterious soul named A, who inhabits a different body every day. Feeling an incomparable connection, Rhiannon and A work every day to find each other, not knowing what or who the next day will reserve. The more the two fall in love, the more the fact that loving someone who is a different person every 24 hours affects them, leading the couple to face the most difficult decision they have ever had to make.