Me ajudem por favor
Pois não estou conseguindo realizar essas atividades, tentei de toda forma mas não consegui

Soluções para a tarefa
01. Circule as alternativas B, D e F
A) Talked
B) Walked
C) Entered
D) Worked
E) Waited / Decided
F) Lived
G) Called
A) Minha mãe lavou as roupas ontem.
B) O professor explicou a aula para os estudantes.
C) Os estudantes responderam todas as questões.
D) Meu irmão visitou os amigos dele ontem à noite.
E) Eles não foram ao restaurante semana passada.
A) Did they clean their room before school?
B) Did the teacher correct all tests last week?
C) Did Charles want to go to the movies alone?
D) Did Daniel love Sara?
A) She did not talk to the doctor yesterday.
B) The painter did not paint the garage.
C) The farmer did not destroy the forest.
D) The girl did not close all windows.
A) Cried
B) Loved
C) Studied
D) Stopped
E) Played
F) Enjoyed
Espero ter ajudado!