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Tourism in Brazil
Tourism is becoming a major industry in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo are two of the most visited destinations in the country, offering visitors (whether in the country on business or pleasure) a fabulous peek into the complex heritage and natural spectacle of Brazil.
Tourism rates increased much from the year 2000 onwards as awareness of Brazilian multifaceted appeal rose. There was a period between 2006 and 2008 when economic problems hindered the tourism industry somewhat. However, Brazil is presently the most visited country in South America.
While the major tourist attraction of Brazil continue to be its unique cultural integrity coupled with its absolute beauty, the country is also a viable business-related destination. Services, industry and agriculture make up the vast majority of its annual GDP, and ensure that corporate personalities from around the world visit the manufacturing plants of some corporate giants that have their headquarters based in Brazil.
The main natural attractions in Brazil are:
•The Amazon Jungle
•The Amazon River
•The extensive beaches and bays that line the coast
•The many unique and fascinating plant and animal species in Brazil
Because of the abundance and accessibility of many of its natural attractions, Brazil has also become acclimated for its increasing focus on eco-tourism. This means that service providers and locals, in addition to those visiting the destination, are aware of and actively promoting tourism that does not harm the environment or its resources. In fact, support of and participation in some of the attractions and activities actually aid the local communities to preserve and protect the plants, animals and landscapes around them for the future enjoyment of the generations.
8.(IFSC) Mark the sum for the alternative(s) in which the translation for the underlined word(s) is correct in the context.
(01) Tourism rates increased much from the year 2000 onwards as awareness of Brazilian multifaceted appeal rose (lines 5-6). (em diante)
(02) There was a period between 2006 and 2008 when economic problems hindered the tourism industry somewhat (lines6-7). (prejudicaram, atrasaram)
(04) While the major tourist attractions of Brazil continue to be its unique cultural integrity coupled with its absolute beauty, the country is also a viable business-related destination (lines 9-10). (única, exclusiva)
(08) Services, industry and agriculture make up the vast majority of its annual GDP, and ensure that corporate personalities from around the world visit the manufacturing plants of some corporate giants that have their headquarters based in Brazil (lines 11-13). (plantas, vegetais)
(16) Most of the international visitors hail from Argentina, Italy and the United States of America (line 26). (vão para)
9.(IFSC) Mark the sum for the correct statement(s) concerning the suffixes in the text:
(01) The suffix -ing in the world becoming (line 1) indicates continuity, extended process.
(02) The suffix -ing in the world offering (line 2) indicates an attribute (a quality) to visitors.
(04) Both in the world however (line 7) and providers (line 21), we have the suffix -er, indicating the doer of an action.
(08) The suffix -ed in the world hindered (lime 7) is used to indicate a past fact.
(16) The suffix -ly in the world actively (line 22) corresponds to the Portuguese suffix -mente and makes the adjective active into an adverb.
10.(IFSC) Mark the sum for the correct statement(s), according to the text.
(01) The tourist industry has gained importance in Brazil in recent years.
(02) Other countries, such as Argentina, South Africa and Poland, attract more tourists than Brazil.
(04) Visitors come to Brazil not only looking for tourist attractions, but also because of business-related matters.
(08) Plants and animal life represent one of the major tourist attractions in Brazil.
(16) Tourism is the activity that contributes the most for Brazilian GDP.
Soluções para a tarefa
Resposta:Turismo no Brasil
O turismo está se tornando uma grande indústria no Brasil. O Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo são dois dos destinos mais visitados do país, oferecendo aos visitantes (seja no país a negócios ou a lazer) uma fabulosa espiada na herança complexa e no espetáculo natural do Brasil.
As taxas de turismo aumentaram muito a partir do ano 2000, com o aumento da conscientização sobre o apelo multifacetado brasileiro. Houve um período entre 2006 e 2008 em que problemas econômicos prejudicaram um pouco a indústria do turismo. No entanto, o Brasil é atualmente o país mais visitado da América do Sul.
Embora a principal atração turística do Brasil continue sendo sua integridade cultural única, aliada à sua beleza absoluta, o país também é um destino comercial viável. Serviços, indústria e agricultura compõem a grande maioria de seu PIB anual e garantem que personalidades corporativas de todo o mundo visitem as fábricas de alguns gigantes corporativos com sede no Brasil.
Os principais atrativos naturais do Brasil são:
• A selva amazônica
•O rio Amazonas
• As extensas praias e baías que revestem a costa
• As muitas espécies únicas e fascinantes de plantas e animais no Brasil
Devido à abundância e acessibilidade de muitas de suas atrações naturais, o Brasil também se acostumou ao seu foco crescente no ecoturismo. Isso significa que os prestadores de serviços e os habitantes locais, além dos que visitam o destino, estão cientes e promovem ativamente o turismo que não agride o meio ambiente ou seus recursos. De fato, o apoio e a participação em algumas das atrações e atividades realmente ajudam as comunidades locais a preservar e proteger as plantas, animais e paisagens ao seu redor para o desfrute futuro das gerações.