Inglês, perguntado por mariaeduardag194, 7 meses atrás

Me ajudem por favor

1º) Observe o modelo e construa frases com o o to be no passado (past), was/were. I – in my house. > I was in my house. You – at the club. > You were at the club. a) They – in the classroom. b) She – at school yesterday. c) You – in Brazil last summer. d) He – my English teacher last year. e) We – here two years ago.

2º ) Escreva a interrogative no passado. Veja o exemplo. He was in the garage. > Was he in the garage? a)They were watching television. b) You were listening to the radio. c) She was sleeping. d) He was sitting under the tree. e) I was at the zoo. *

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ligiagabriela2003


1° a) They were in the classroom.

b) She was at school yesterday.

c) You were in Brazil last summer.

d) He was my English teacher last year.

e) We were here two years ago.

2° a) Were they watching television?

b) Were you listening to the radio?

c) Was she sleeping?

d) Was he sitting under the tree?

e) Was I at the zoo?


Was e Were

I -was

You -were

he/she/it -was

We -were

They -were

Nas frases interrogativas, basta você colocar o auxiliar no início da frase:


Afirmação: She was sleeping.

Negação: She wasn't sleeping.

Interrogação: Was she sleeping?

Estrutura: (interrogativas)

Auxiliar + Pessoa + Verbo + Complemento

mariaeduardag194: obg!❤️
ligiagabriela2003: por nada! ❤️
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