Inglês, perguntado por umapessoaqualquer75, 3 meses atrás

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Complete as sentenças com os verbos entre parêntesis, para formar sentenças condicionais: 1. Do tipo ZERO A) If you ________ (freeze) water, it _______ ( become) a solid. B) If Mário ________( eat) to many sweets, he _______ (get) sick. 2. Do tipo 1 A) I _________ ( take) my coat with me if it _________ ( be) cold tomorrow. B) If Peter ________ ( invite) me to the parte, I _________ ( go).​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sofia2007pina


If you freeze water, it will become a solid.

If Mário eats many sweets, he will get sick.

I will take my coat with me if it will be cold tomorrow.

If Peter invites me to the party, I will go.

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