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Respostas em inglês.
Complete as frases usando um substantivo
a) My _________ was very expensive.
b) I have two _____________.
c) I love ______________.
d) She loves___________________
e) They have _____________________
f) We need ____________________
g) It is a _____________________
h) He thinks a lot about_________________
i) Helena has a new __________________
j) Peter has ________________
1. Reescreva as frases acima usando um adjetivo para classificar o substantivo colocado por você.
2. Complete os espaços com um Verbo
I ______________to school with my best friend every day. He ______________in US with his new girlfriend.
My dog ______________a lot during the night .
I _________cold weather.
She________________ diet coke.
They________________salad and chicken.
3. Complete as frases usando um adverbio.
Mary is a _________good daughter.
Our new house is ____________________ big.
She came home ______________.
4. Complete com as preposições adequadas.
He lived _________________ the drugstore.
Don’t go _____ the airport right now.
My grandmother was born _____ 1942.
5. Complete as frases com os pronomes adequados
· _____ has beautiful hair.
· David wants to meet ____________.
· _____________ love reading novels .
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Nouns
⇒⇒ Adjectives
⇒⇒ Adverbs
1. Complete as frases usando um substantivo
a) My house was very expensive.
b) I have two dogs.
c) I love my friends.
d) She loves to dance.
e) They have bikes.
f) We need a new car.
g) It is a rainy day.
h) He thinks a lot about his trip to London.
i) Helena has a new boyfriend.
j) Peter has a cat.
2. Reescreva as frases acima usando um adjetivo para classificar o substantivo colocado por você.
a) My house was very expensive.
My old house was very expensive.
b) I have two dogs.
I have two black dogs.
c) I love my friends.
I love my old friends.
d) She loves to dance.
She loves to dance rock.
e) They have bikes.
They have new bikes.
f) We need a new car.
We need a new white car.
g) It is a rainy day.
It´s a rainy and windy day.
h) He thinks a lot about his trip to London.
He thinks a lot about his last trip to London.
i) Helena has a new boyfriend.
Helena has a new handsome boyfriend.
j) Peter has a cat.
Peter has a white car.
3. Complete os espaços com um Verbo
- I go to school with my best friend every day. He is in US with his new girlfriend.
- My dog sleeps a lot during the night .
- I like cold weather.
- She drinks diet coke.
- They eat salad and chicken.
4. Complete as frases usando um adverbio.
- Mary is a very good daughter.
- Our new house is really big.
- She came home too late.
5. Complete com as preposições adequadas.
- He lived at the drugstore.
- Don’t go to the airport right now.
- My grandmother was born in 1942.
6. Complete as frases com os pronomes adequados
- She has beautiful hair.
- David wants to meet them.
- We love reading novels .
→→ Adjetivos >>> são palavras que modificam o sujeito, qualificando e/ou modificando.
Em inglês, os adjetivos sempre vêm antes do substantivo, diferente do que aprendemos em português;
menina bonita >>>> pretty girl
bebê fofo >>>> cute baby
Eu vou comprar uma TV nova. >> I am going to buy a new TV.
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