Inglês, perguntado por eloizaramos, 10 meses atrás

Me ajudem nessa??????????


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nataliawyz


1) the little bear said that when Boones fall asleep, he needs a protection, but the little bear doesn't protect his, he only wrate on his face

2) Bonne says that is hard work rubbing two sticks together to get flame (), and when he got it, the flame disappeared... so he took a long time to make a flame with 2 sticks, and the flame disappeared so fast

eloizaramos: Muito obrigada!!!!
nataliawyz: quando escrevi doesnt protect his (mude esse his para hum) escrevi errado
nataliawyz: mude o his do "doest protect his" para him
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