Inglês, perguntado por rodriguesbyanca12, 3 meses atrás

Texto para responder as questões 4 e 5. Text: A busy family
John is watching TV and talking with Anna, his sister. John and Anna are watching a cartoon on TV now. They are on vacation, so they are having a lot of fun.Their mother, Juliet, is cooking and talking with a friend on the cellphone. Juliet is very busy at the moment.Their father, Bryan, is working in a big store and will come home to have lunch with his family.As you can see, John, Anna, Juliet and Bryan are doing different things right now. But at lunchtime they will do the same thing: to eat.When they are eating, they don't like to talk a lot or make jokes. Juliet and Bryan are very serious parents.But this ordinary family is always doing new things whenever it's possible.

4. Observando o texto acima assinale a alternativa correta: *
a. O verbo watching não está no present continuous.
b. Nesse texto podemos encontrar 7 verbos sem repetir com present continuous.
c. Esse texto não aparece verbos com present continuous.
d. Nesse texto podemos encontrar 10 verbos sem repetir com present continuous.
e. n.d.a

5. A partir da leitura do texto: A busy family podemos dizer que: *
a. Juliet is working.
b. Bryan is having a lot of fun.
c. John isn't watching a cartoon.
d. Anna is sleeping.
e. Bryan isn't working.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por anthonycavalcante501


b so vai


so vai

rodriguesbyanca12: nas duas?
anthonycavalcante501: pd confia
rodriguesbyanca12: vou caçar sua familia se tiver errado
Respondido por reneperes08


4-letra b

5-letra e


4-não tem nenhum verbo se repetindo

5-bryan e todo o resto estão de ferias

rodriguesbyanca12: obrigadoo<3
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