ME AJUDEM A PASSAR ESSA RECEITA PARA O inglês pf me ajudem (nao olhem do google tradutor pfv)
400 g de coco fresco ralado, grosso
2 e 1/2 xícaras (chá) de açúcar
1 e 1/2 xícara (chá) de água
1/4 xícara (chá) de leite condensado
óleo, o quanto baste para untar
1 Unte uma assadeira grande com óleo
2 Reserve
3 Coloque a água e o açúcar numa panela e leve ao fogo alto
4Deixe a calda cozinhar até o ponto de fio médio
5 Despeje o coco na panela com a calda e mexa
6 Acrescente o leite condensado e continue mexendo até que comece a desprender do fundo da panela
7 Retire a cocada do fogo e coloque as colheradas sobre a assadeira untada
8 Espere endurecer um pouco e retire as cocadas da assadeira com uma espátula
9Se quiser guardar a cocada, deixe esfriar bem e guarde num recipiente com tampa
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
400 g fresh grated coconut, thick2 and 1/2 cups sugar1 and 1/2 cup (tea) water1/4 cup of condensed milkoil, how much to spread
1 Grease a large baking dish with oil2 Reserve3 Put the water and sugar in a pan and bring to a high heat.4 Allow the sauce to cook until the medium wire point5 Pour the coconut in the pan with the syrup and stir6 Add the condensed milk and continue stirring until it starts to loosen from the bottom of the pan7 Remove the kettle from the heat and place the spoons on the greased baking sheet8 Wait for it to harden slightly and remove the pans from the pan with a spatula9If you want to store the kettle, cool well and store in a covered container
1 Grease a large baking dish with oil2 Reserve3 Put the water and sugar in a pan and bring to a high heat.4 Allow the sauce to cook until the medium wire point5 Pour the coconut in the pan with the syrup and stir6 Add the condensed milk and continue stirring until it starts to loosen from the bottom of the pan7 Remove the kettle from the heat and place the spoons on the greased baking sheet8 Wait for it to harden slightly and remove the pans from the pan with a spatula9If you want to store the kettle, cool well and store in a covered container
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