Inglês, perguntado por andersonsilva163, 1 mês atrás

Me ajudem
1- Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjectives given.(Preencha as lacunas com a forma comparativa dos adjetivos dados.)

1. A rock is______________ than a leaf. (heavy)
2. Our house is____________ than yours. (big)
3. The princess is__________ than the witch. (beautiful)
4. Tom is_______________ a student than Mary. (good)
5. Bicycles are ____________than motorbikes. (safe)
6. July is__________________ than January. (hot)
7. A lion is ______________than a cat. (dangerous)
8. Helen is__________________ than Mary. (happy)
9. Computers are____________ than telephones. (expensive)
10. I think golf is_____________ than football. (boring)

2- Fill in the gaps with the superlative form of the adjectives given.( Preencha as lacunas com a forma superlativa dos adjetivos dados.)

1. It is the______________ shop in town. (large)
2. Monday is the _________day of the week. (bad)
3. Ben was the___________ person in his family. (noisy)
4. Sam is the_____________ in the class. (popular)
5. Which is the____________ subject at school? (difficult)
6. Jim is the______________ player in the football team. (good)
7. Elephants are the________________ animals. (heavy)
8. Let's pick the____________________ apple of the tree. (big)
9. Mary is the_______________________ girl in the class. (thin)
10. That is the________________ sofa in our house. (comfortable)

3- Fill in the gaps with the comparative or the superlative form of the adjectives given.( Preencha as lacunas com a forma comparativa ou superlativa dos adjetivos dados.)

1. This armchair is __________________than the old one. (comfortable)
2. Trains are___________________ than aeroplanes. (slow)
3. I bought the__________________ souvenir I could afford. (expensive)
4. In this classroom there are _________________girls than boys. (many)
5. Ann is the_______________________ child in the family. (young)
6. That TV set is the____________________ of all. (cheap)
7. You are_____________________ here than there. (safe)
8. Fifi is __________________than Kate. (pretty)
9. This is the_______________ film i have ever seen. (exciting)
10. Tim is__________________ than Peter. (talented)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustmelo92


1. A rock is_______HEAVIER_______ than a leaf. (heavy)

2. Our house is_______BIGGER_____ than yours. (big)

3. The princess is___MORE BEAUTIFUL_______ than the witch. (beautiful)

4. Tom is_______BETTER________ a student than Mary. (good)

5. Bicycles are ________SAFER____than motorbikes. (safe)

6. July is___________HOTTER_______ than January. (hot)

7. A lion is ______MORE DANGEROUS________than a cat. (dangerous)

8. Helen is_______HAPPIER___________ than Mary. (happy)

9. Computers are_____MORE EXPENSIVE_______ than telephones. (expensive)

10. I think golf is____MORE BORING_________ than football. (boring)

2- Fill in the gaps with the superlative form of the adjectives given.( Preencha as lacunas com a forma superlativa dos adjetivos dados.)

1. It is the______LARGEST________ shop in town. (large)

2. Monday is the _____WORST____day of the week. (bad)

3. Ben was the_____NOISIEST ______ person in his family. (noisy)

4. Sam is the________MOST POPULAR_____ in the class. (popular)

5. Which is the______MOST DIFFICULT______ subject at school? (difficult)

6. Jim is the______BEST________ player in the football team. (good)

7. Elephants are the_____HEAVIEST___________ animals. (heavy)

8. Let's pick the___________BIGGEST_________ apple of the tree. (big)

9. Mary is the__________THINNEST _____________ girl in the class. (thin)

10. That is the_______MOST COMFORTABLE _________ sofa in our house. (comfortable)

3- Fill in the gaps with the comparative or the superlative form of the adjectives given.( Preencha as lacunas com a forma comparativa ou superlativa dos adjetivos dados.)

1. This armchair is _____more comfortable_____________than the old one. (comfortable)

2. Trains are_______slower____________ than aeroplanes. (slow)

3. I bought the________most expensive__________ souvenir I could afford. (expensive)

4. In this classroom there are ___more______________girls than boys. (many)

5. Ann is the__________youngest_____________ child in the family. (young)

6. That TV set is the_______cheapest_____________ of all. (cheap)

7. You are____________safer________ here than there. (safe)

8. Fifi is _______prettier___________than Kate. (pretty)

9. This is the_____most exciting__________ film i have ever seen. (exciting)

10. Tim is______more talented ____________ than Peter. (talented)


Respondido por matiascarolina2006

1. Heavier
2. Bigger
3. Prettier
4. A better student than Mary
6. Hottest
7. More dangerous
8. Happier
9. More expensive
10. More boring

1. Larger
2. Worse
3. Noisiest
4. Most difficult
5. Better
7. Heaviest
8. Bigger
9. Thinner
10. Most comfortable

1. More comfortable
2. Slower
3. Most expensive
4. More
5. Youngest
6. Cheaper
7. Safer
8. Prettier
9. Most exciting
10. More talented
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