me ajude para agora

Soluções para a tarefa
A) someone
B) Anything
C) something
D) somewhere - something
E) no one
F) anything
⇒⇒ Indefinite pronouns
a. Someone is coming for lunch.
b. Don't say anything.
c. I did everything to stop her.
d. There's nowhere to go and nothing to do in this boring city.
e. Don't tell your secret to anyone.
f. There's anybody at home.
⇒⇒ Indefinite pronouns / Pronomes indefinidos
→→ something - alguma coisa
David is looking for something special.
→→ somewhere - em algum lugar
I left my keys somewhere I don't remember now.
→→ anyone - ninguém
Don't shout to anyone.
→→ somebody - alguém - em frases afirmativas
There is somebody in the living room.
→→ anybody - para perguntar se há alguém ou usado em negação
Is there anybody in the living room?
No, there isn't anybody there.
→→ nobody - ninguém (não pode usar NOT junto com nobody)
There is nobody in the living room. ✅
There isn't nobody in the living room. ❌
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