Inglês, perguntado por nilcetc13, 1 ano atrás

Marque a opção que não apresenta erro quanto ao uso do there was.
a) There was a dog in the yard.
b) There was people i don't know.
c) There was subjects i don't like at school.
d) There was not fruits for dessert.
e) There was books on the shelves.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


There is - There was

a) There was a dog in the yard.  >>> correto >> frase no singular

b) There was people I don't know.  >>> errado

   There were ......

c) There was subjects i don't like at school.  >> errado

   There were .....

d) There was not fruits for dessert.  >>> errado

    There were not .....

e) There was books on the shelves. >>> errado

   There were .....


There is -  verbo ''haver'' - ''existir''  - simple present - singular

There are - verbo ''haver'' - ''existir''  - simple present - plural

There was - verbo ''haver'' - ''existir''  - passado - singular

There was a boy at the bakery

There were - verbo ''haver'' - ''existir''  - passado - plural

There were many people at the show.

Aprenda mais em:

caminhagmailcom: Olá, responde minha atividade de Sociologia lá por favor
gorethfernandes2: então é a letra A
CremildaBR: Sim >> a) There was a dog in the yard. >>> correto >> frase no singular
gorethfernandes2: oi
CremildaBR: boa noite, tudo bem?
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