Inglês, perguntado por anavitorialuna2005, 5 meses atrás

Make the correct form of the Past Continuous: (Faça a forma correta do Passado Contínuo.) Ex: When/he work there? When was he working there?
a- You/prepare dinner? *
b- I/study last night. *
c- He/not exercise enough. *
d- We/talk when the accident happened. *
e- They/drink coffee when you arrived? *
f- Paul/not/make too much noise. *


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Past continuous

a- You/prepare dinner?

   Were you preparing dinner?

b- I/study last night.

   Was I studying last night?

c- He/not exercise enough.  

   He wasn't exercising enough.

d- We/talk when the accident happened.

   We were talking when the accident happened.

e- They/drink coffee when you arrived?

    Were they drinking coffee when you arrived?

f- Paul/not/make too much noise.

  Wasn't Paul making too much noise?

→→ Past continuous >> tempo verbal para falar sobre situações e ações contínuas, ou seja, que estavam acontecendo no passado, ao mesmo tempo em que outra situação acontecia/tinha acabado de acontecer.


was / were + verbo -ing + complemento

I was studying English when Liz called me. >> Eu estava estudando inglês quando a Liz me ligou.

Lucy was driving her new car when she saw John. >> Lucy estava dirigindo seu carro novo quando ela viu o John.

Peter was playing soccer when her mom called him. >> Peter estava jogando futebol quando sua mãe o chamou.

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anavitorialuna2005: OBRIGADAAAAA!
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