Inglês, perguntado por seixasgustavo041, 2 meses atrás

Make an X in the correct alternative to complete the sentences:

"Kitty _______________ some candies for the Halloween party yesterday. I _______________ anything to the party yet."

a) ( ) bought / haven't bought.

b) ( ) bought / hasn't bought.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Present Perfect

"Kitty  bought  some candies for the Halloween party yesterday. I haven't bought anything to the party yet."

a) (X) bought / haven't bought  √

b) ( ) bought / hasn't bought

Alternativa correta letra ''a''


⇒⇒ Present Perfect >>> Indica quando a ação começou ou quanto tempo faz que ela está ocorrendo.

Has       >>   usado com he - she - it

Have     >>   usado com I - we - you - they

∴  Present perfect - affirmative

Sujeito + has/have + verbo particípio + complemento

John          has                 played            soccer everyday.

They          have                lived               here for a long time.

She            has                  danced           since 2010.

→→  situação/ação que começou no passado e continua no presente.

I have studied German since 2017. - Eu estudo alemão desde 2017.

(comecei a estudar alemão em 2017 e continuo estudando hoje)

→→  Uma ação terminada em um passado recente, confirmada pelo uso da palavra ''just''

David has just arrived from New York.  

Learn more



Respondido por FlashDoBraynle

Make an X in the correct alternative to complete the sentences:

"Kitty _______bought________ some candies for the Halloween party yesterday. I _______haven't bought________ anything to the party yet."

  • a) (✖️) bought / haven't bought.

  • b) ( ) bought / hasn't bought.

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