Make an affirmative sentence for each verb, according to the SIMPLE PRESENT rules:
a) GO: _____________________________________________________________
b) SEE: ____________________________________________________________
c) FLY: ____________________________________________________________
d) EAT: ____________________________________________________________
e) DRINK: __________________________________________________________
f) UNDERSTAND: ____________________________________________________
g) BUY: ____________________________________________________________
h) TAKE: ___________________________________________________________
i) GET: ____________________________________________________________
j) HAVE: ___________________________________________________________
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Simple present
a. My parents go to the grocery on Sundays.
b. I see you are feeling better today, David.
c. The birds fly in the sky.
d. Suellen eats fruits for breakfast.
e. The kids drink milk at night.
f. I always understand when the Spanish teacher speaks.
g. Helen buys new books every month.
h. John takes a bus to go to school.
i. David gets $1,000 a year from his parents.
j. My cousin has a new bike.
⇒⇒ Simple present >>> tempo verbal usado para indicar ações que acontecem no presente. Ele expressa sentimentos, opiniões, preferências, etc. Muitas vezes, são acompanhados de advérbios de tempo.
Na maioria dos verbos em inglês, no presente simples - terceira pessoa do singular (he - she - it), basta acrescentar ''s''. Mas alguns verbos seguem regras diferentes.
• Verbos terminados em ''o, sh, ch, x ou ss'', na terceira pessoa do singular (he - she - it) acrescenta ''es''
We go >>> He goes
They wash >>> He washes
You watch >>> She watches
• Verbos terminados em consoante seguida de Y, remove o Y e adiciona ''ies''.
I carry - She carries
They study - He studies
• Verbos terminados em vogal seguida da letra Y, vamos apenas adicionar a letra S no final.
I play - He plays
We stay - She stays
⇒⇒ Exceções: ''to have'' - ''to be'' - ''to can'' <<< terceira pessoa do singular é de uma forma totalmente diferente e não seguem a regra.
Verbo to have Verbo to be Verbo to can
He has He is She can
She has She is He can
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