Inglês, perguntado por sofiamolica19, 1 ano atrás

lista dos verbos regulares e inrregulara em inglês pfvr ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por cleandromendeslm


To act Agir Acted

To achieve Conquistar Achieved

To admire Admirar Admired

To agree Concordar Agreed

To appear Aparecer Appeared

To believe Acreditar Believed

To belong Pertencer Belonged

To blame Culpar Blamed

To borrow Emprestar Borrowed

To bother Incomodar Bothered

To call Ligar Called

To cancel Cancelar Canceled

To carry Carregar Carried

To cause Causar Caused

To clean Limpar Cleaned

To climb Escalar Climbed

To close Fechar Closed

To complete Completar Completed

To continue Continuar Continued

To cook Cozinhar Cooked

To correct Corrigir Corrected

To crash Bater, quebrar Crashed

To dance Dançar Danced

To decide Decidir Decided

To deliver Entregar Delivered

To depend Depender Depended

To design Desenhar, conceber Designed

To disagree Discordar Disagreed

To discover Descobrir Discovered

To dress Vestir Dressed

To enjoy Aproveitar Enjoyed

To exercise Exercitar Exercised

To expect Esperar (expectativa) Expected

To film Filmar Filmed

To fill Preencher Filled

To fix Consertar Fixed

To follow Seguir Followed

To grab Agarrar Grabbed

To guess Adivinhar Guessed

To handle Manusear Handled

To help Ajudar Helped

To hurry Apressar Hurried

To ignore Ignorar Ignored

To imagine Imaginar Imagined

To invite Convidar Invited

To jump Pular Jumped

To like Gostar Liked

To list Listar Listed

To look Olhar Looked

To manage Administrar Managed

To measure Medir Measured

To mention Mencionar Mentioned

To miss Errar Missed

To move Mover Moved

To need Precisar Needed

To open Abrir Opened

To order Ordenar Ordered

To paint Pintar Painted

To park Estacionar Parked

To pass Passar Passed

To pick Escolher Picked

To play Jogar, brincar, tocar Played

To produce Produzir Produced

To push Empurrar Pushed

To rain Chover Rained

To receive Receber Received

To relax Relaxar Relaxed

To rest Descansar Rested

To review Revisar Reviewed

To save Salvar Saved

To start Iniciar Started

To study Estudar Studied

To talk Falar Talked

To tie Amarrar Tied

To touch Tocar Touched

To travel Viajar Traveled

To try Tentar Tried

To use Usar Used

To wait Esperar Waited

To walk Andar Walked

To watch Assistir Watched

To wish Desejar Wished

To work Trabalhar Worked


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