Inglês, perguntado por Káh55, 1 ano atrás

Linking words
1 The three sentences below were taken from the audio material in the Opel your ears section. Read them carefully and answer the questions Thay follow.

A) With which of these words does the highlighted Word above have a similar meaning: and, but por because?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lialinedepaula
And is  the word that connect sentences and expressions with the same meaning.
And (e) é a palavra que liga ideias iguais, sequenciais.
Eg. I went to the market and bought apples, oranges and pears.
EX.Eu fui ao mercado e comprei maçãs, laranjas e peras.

But connect some opposite ideas. But (mas) liga ideias opostas.
Eg. I was in the mood for going out but I didn't have money.
EX.Eu estava afim de sair, mas eu não tinha dinheiro.

Because connect conclusion.
Because(porque) liga uma conclusão, explicação da oração anterior.
Eg. I was sad because I missed my favorite tv show.
Ex. Eu estava triste porque perdera meu programa preferido na tv.
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