Levando em consideração o texto abaixo, o mesmo presente no penúltimo slide da tele aula, escreva abaixo
3 FALSE FRIENDS, lembrando que os false friends são aquelas palavras parecidas com as nossas aqui do Brasil, porém com significados opostos.
A 4-year-old lumbered into a
Boston pediatric clinic. He
walked with a limp.
"He was carrying so much
weight, he displaced his hips,"
recalled Dr. Elsie Taveras, co-
director of the Obesity
Prevention Program at Harvard
Medical School.
The boy, an extreme
example of childhood obesity,
carried more than 100 pounds
and had a body mass index that
was over the 99th percentile for his age group. He is part of a disturbing trend
among the youngest Americans.
Poor diet, huge portion sizes, lack of physical activity, inadequate sleep and
uninformed parents are contributing to larger numbers of overweight or obese
young children.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
recalled - lembrou
disturbing - perturbador
carried - carregou
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