Inglês, perguntado por anacarolinacastro935, 2 meses atrás

let's see it again!
1 Complete with there is/there are, in positive (+) and negative (-) sentences.
Complete com there is/there are, em frases afirmativas e negativas.
delicious tomatoes in
the garden. (+)
a good film on TV. (+)
any sandwiches in the
storms on the island. (+)
fridge. (-)
an interesting animal in
a lemon on the table. (+)
this book. (-)
Check the pictures of what is allowed or forbidden in the classroom. Complete the sentences with
the verbs in the imperative form.
Verifique as figuras do que é permitido ou proibido em sala de aula. Complete as frases com os verbos

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ketgamescom


olá! posso ajudar! percebi que teve algumas partes que se bagunçaram, então tentei arrumar!


a)there are delicious tomatoes in the garden. (+)

b) there is a good film on TV. (+)

c) there aren't any sandwiches in the fridge. (-)

d) there are storms on the island. (+)

e) there isn't an interesting animal in this book. (-)

F) there is a lemon on the table. (+)

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