Leia o texto e responda: "Nowadays families are a little confused about how their children have to be educated. Many parents are educating their children with complete freedom and in the end are having serious problems at home. Other parents are strict and do not let their children do almost anything. I believe that the two ways of acting are wrong. No child has to have complete freedom and no child can be arrested without being able to play with friends or enjoy a weekend. Freedom have to follow responsibility. Giving children responsibility can save them in the future. Storing objects, organizing their room, storing their clothes, these are small actions that make a big difference in their life. In this way, children learn from an early age, that in the world we have to work and that life is made of work. Every object you see, someone had to work to buy.".................1) Marque qual é o assunto principal do texto: *
1 ponto
Education of the bad people.
How to work every day with families.
Homeworks and school works
Education of the children.
2) De acordo com o texto, por que pequenas ações de responsabilidade são importantes para ensinar aos filhos? *
1 ponto
Para mostrar aos pais que as crianças são bons filhos e filhas
Por que os pais mandam e eles têm que obedecer
Porque demonstram aos filhos que na vida o trabalho é muito importante.
Porque se eles obedecerem podem brincar
3) Marque a resposta que traduz corretamente as roupas para o inglês, na mesma sequência. -> vestido - casaco - saia - camisa - camiseta - calças - meias - sapatos *
1 ponto
dress- t-shirt - skirt - jacket - coat - trousers - socks - shoes
shoes - coat - skirt - T-shirt - cap - pants - jacket - gloves
cap - coat - shirt - skirt - pants - T-shirt - shoes - gloves
dress - coat- skirt - shirt - T-shirt - pants - socks - shoes
4) Marque a frase escrita corretamente: *
1 ponto
Families does not making confusion nowadays.
Families not are making confusion nowadays.
Families is making confusion nowadays.
Families are making confusion nowadays.
5) Marque a forma interrogativa correta: *
1 ponto
Are the parents educating children well?
Does the parents are educating their children well?
Do the parents are educating their children well?
Is the children helping their parents at home?
6)Marque a questão que completa corretamente as frases na sequência: Hello, how _____ it going? Hi, what _____ your name? My name _____ Christian. _____ you in my English class? Yes, I ______. *
1 ponto
is - is - is - are - am
is - is - are - are - am
is - are - is - is - are
are - is - is - are - am
7) Marque a resposta onde a forma interrogativa das frases está correta: *
1 ponto
They are brothers. Do they are blothers?
You have a nick name. Are you have a nickname?
He is my friend. Does he is my friend?
She is in my English class. Is she in my English class?
8)Marque o plural correto da frase: It is your ruler. *
1 ponto
That is your rulers.
They is your rulers.
Its are your rulers.
They are your rulers.
9) Marque a Frase escrita corretamente: *
2 pontos
They does not have many friends.
Do she have a car?
Is he does have a house?
Does she have a new car?
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1) educattion of the children
2) porque demonstram aos filhos que na vida o trabalho é muito importante
3) dress - coat- skirt - shirt - T-shirt - pants - socks - shoes
4) Families not are making confusion nowadays.
5) Does the parents are educating their children well?
6) is - is - is - are - am
7) He is my friend. Does he is my friend?
8) That is your rulers.
9) Is he does have a house?
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