Leia o texto abaixo e retire dele todos os verbos que estão no PRESENT CONTINUOUS (não repita verbos):
Soluções para a tarefa
today, Abby is visiting her grandparents. Se loves her grandparents. At this momentia, she is sitting on her grandfather's knee. She is listening to a story. She is smiling. Sge love her grandfather's stories.
Jacob is Abby's grandfather. He loves his graddaughter. Right noe, he is telling her a story. He is holding her on his knee. He is holding her hands. They are sitting in the living room.
Sarah is Abby's grandmother. At this moment, Sarah is standing in the kitchen. She is baking cookies for Jacob and Abby. She is also listening to Jacob's story.
Present continuous: é um tempo verbal utilizado, na língua Inglesa, para descrever ações que estão acontecendo no momento da fala ou ações que achavam de acontecer.
Visiting, sitting, listening, smiling, telling, holding, living, standing, baking.