Inglês, perguntado por davidweslley28, 10 meses atrás

Leia o texto a seguir:

Patty got a hard headache, but she can't take medicine, because She's allergic, she usually t ries to sleep, but she also can't today, she sho uld see a doctor, but she will travel tomorrow, she is really excited to this travel, she will final ly meet a beach, in her city rains almost the w hole year, she will finally have a chance to we ar a swimsuit, flip-flops, sunglasses and cap, s he is really excited to not have to wear a scarf a jacket or even boots...

11) Retire do texto duas frases no simple futur


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por allanysduarteee


"She will travel tomorrow"

"She will finally meet a beach"

Espero ter ajudado!

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