Inglês, perguntado por escolabomba, 1 ano atrás

Last night the movie ______ 10 minutes late. A) started B) start C) starts D) starting E) dis start 4“My mother ______ a note to Nina's parents yesterday A) receive B) received C) not receive D) did receive E) receiving Brian went to the beach last week”, in the NEGATIVE is Mary arrived late yesterday”, in the INTERROGATIVE is:

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


⇒⇒  Simple past

Last night the movie started  10 minutes late.

A) started

B) start

C) starts

D) starting

E) dis start

My mother received a note to Nina's parents yesterday

A) receive

B) received

C) not receive

D) did receive

E) receiving

Brian went to the beach last week”, in the NEGATIVE is

Brian didn't go to the beach last week.

Mary arrived late yesterday”, in the INTERROGATIVE is:

Did Mary arrive late yesterday?


⇒⇒ Simple past - regular verbs >> tempo verbal que indica algo que aconteceu no passado e não está mais acontecendo no presente.  

A maioria dos verbos em inglês são regulares e terminam sempre em ''ed'' quando estão no passado .  

→→ Regras para o passado de verbos regulares  

→ Se o verbo terminar com a letra ''e'', basta acrescentar ''d''.  

live – lived  

smile – smiled  

like – liked  

→ Caso o verbo termine com uma consoante + a letra Y, substitua o ''y'' por ''ied''.  

study – studied  

try – tried  

cry – cried  

→ Mas se antes do ''y'' houver uma vogal simplesmente acrescenta o ''ed''.  

play – played  

stay – stayed  

pray – prayed  

→ Se o verbo terminar em consoante + vogal + consoante - CVC e esta seja a sílaba tônica da palavra, dobra a ultima consoante e acrescenta ''ed''.  

stop – stopped  

prefer – preferred  

plan – planned

→ Se a sílaba tônica for no início da palavra, é só acrescentar ''ed''  

visit – visited  

listen – listened  

open – opened  

→→ Simple past - affirmative  

Susan and Liz lived in London. >>> Susan and Liz moraram em Londres.  

Jim visited his parents.>>> John visitou seus pais.  

→→ Simple past - negative (verbo volta para a forma original)  

Susan didn't live in London. >>> Susan não morou em Londres.  

Annie didn't buy a new ring. >>> Annie não comprou um anel novo.  

→→ Simple past - interrogative  (verbo volta para a forma original)  

Did he have time to finish the job? >>Ele teve tempo de terminar o serviço? Did my parents stay at home? >> Meus pais ficaram em casa?  

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adelvanianogueira456: ug
samii717711: me ajude por favor
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