Inglês, perguntado por mila764827, 2 meses atrás

Junes’s Party o que é e pesquisar sobre esse assunto em inglês

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por AyumiSophie

In June, Brazil celebrates the June Party, in portuguese “Festa Junina”. It is not as popular as carnival, but it is as celebrated and expected by Brazilians. Through all the streets you can see the parties going on. Bonfires, music, food, dancing and traditional clothes everywhere.

Good night for you.

AyumiSophie: Nem eu entendi, senhorita
AyumiSophie: Apenas ignore
AyumiSophie: Bom dia
AyumiSophie: Bem, e vc?
AyumiSophie: Uhum
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