Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 11 meses atrás

Josh is Bert das. He has lots of questions in his mind. Complete his thought with any/ some/ no+ Thing/ body/where.
I have no idea about what to do with my Life.I'd definitely like to live (1) abroad, but I'm not sure where. It could be(2) really. I just want to live in a different country. I'd like to have a girlfriend, but there isnt (3) interesting at my school or among my friends. I need a change. There's (4) I can do without my parents permission. I hate being 16. I 'd like to have (5) to talk to and get advice from, but I cant talk to (6) at home. They never seem to understand me. I hope (7) good happens in my life

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MViniciusz
1) somewhere
2) anywhere
3) anybody
4) nothing
5) somebody
6) anybody
7) something
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