Inglês, perguntado por kelri95, 1 ano atrás

Identifique se são (V) verdadeiras ou (F) falsas as afirmativas abaixo, em relação ao uso de verbos modais:

I- Mary said she could does everything she wanted during her trip to Moscow.
II- Should I help you, Madam?
III- You can’t help Mary because she was sleeping.
IV- The weather is nice today, but it might rain next weekend.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta das respostas, respectivamente.


F – V – F – V.

F – F – F – V.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


Modal Verbs

I- Mary said she could does everything she wanted during her trip to Moscow.  ⇒⇒ F

II- Should I help you, Madam?  ⇒⇒ V

III- You can’t help Mary because she was sleeping.  ⇒⇒ F

IV- The weather is nice today, but it might rain next weekend.  ⇒⇒ V

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta das respostas, respectivamente.


a)    F – V – F – V.


  • Mary said she could does everything she wanted during her trip to Moscow.  ⇒⇒ F

COULD - modal verb >>> quando o modal verb é usado, o verbo fica na sua forma original

Mary said she could do everything she wanted during her trip to Moscow.

  • Should I help you, Madam?  ⇒⇒ V

Should >>> Modal verb >>> oferecimento (de ajuda)

  • You can’t help Mary because she was sleeping.  ⇒⇒ F

You can't help >>>> simple present negative

She was sleeping >>> past continuous

You can't help Mary because she is sleeping.

  • The weather is nice today, but it might rain next weekend.  ⇒⇒ V

Might >>> modal verb >>> usado para dizer que algo/alguma coisa é possível

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é A mesmo


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