Inglês, perguntado por gabrielsilva49484, 11 meses atrás

Identifique as frases a seguir de acordo com o grau comparativo. Use os sinais = + --, corretamente.

1-     He is as quiet as his friend. (   )

2-     They were less worried than the friends. (   )

3-     Brazil is larger than Poland. (   )

4-     She is more important than her friend at work and she is busy all the time. (    )

5-     My house is as nice as yours. (    )

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por leozinha82


1 =

2 -

3 +

4 +

5 =


espero ter ajudado ;))

gabrielsilva49484: vlw love you ♡
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