Inglês, perguntado por gui251833, 11 meses atrás

High Hopes for Mineral in Beer May Fall Flat, Despite New Study Feb. 8, 2010

For beer drinkers, a new study that suggests beer is a significant source of a mineral key to maintaining bone density may sound too good to be true.

That may well be, say health experts who overwhelmingly agree the the connection may be more wishful thinking than solid science.

But that may not stop many brew lovers from viewing the new research as an excuse to order another round. The study of 100 commercial beers in the February issue of the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture by Charles Bamforth and Troy Casey of the University of California Davis examined the silicon content that results from different ingredients and brewing processes.

"Silicon impacts bone mineral density in humans, and supplementing silicon in the diets of osteoporitic women increased bone mineral density," the authors wrote. Thus, they surmise, silicon-rich beer may also help to strengthen bones.

Although a press release issued with the study prominently mentioned the link between silicon and bone health, the study itself did not look at bone mineral density or analyze any patient data, according to several researchers contacted by MedPage Today and ABC News.

Also, bananas and some grains have high levels of silicon, but for many, beer appears to be the richest source.

The authors wrote that they explored the silicon content in beer because the popular beverage has been identified as one of the richest potential sources of dietary silicon in the Western diet.

In the study, the authors concluded that "beer is a substantial source of silicon in the diet" and that "beers containing high levels of malted barley and hops are richest in silicon," but they did not attempt to establish a link between beer drinking and bone health.

Experts contacted for comment on the study also cautioned the public against establishing any such connection.

"To conclude any bone health benefits from this study would require a great leap," said Dr. Tim Byers, deputy director of the University of Colorado Cancer Center in Aurora.


1. The word "Thus" in "Thus they surmise, silicon-rich beer may also help to strengthen bones." can be replaced by:
a) However
b) Moreover
c) Although
d) In addition
e) Thefore

2. The sentence "did not attempt to establish" shows a verb followed by infinitive form. Choose the alternative in which a verb is correctly followed by an infinitive form.
a) He finished to write the letter.
b) She enjoyed to go to the party.
c) They resisted to eat more.
d) She denied to cheat on him.
e) He can't afford to buy that car.

3. The sentence "cautioned the public against establishing" contains a verb followed by the preposition "against". Choose the alternative which can be completed with the same preposition:
a) He fought _____________ racism his whole life.
b) She accused Paul ___________ stealing.
c) He was aware ____________ the problems.
d) She is looking forward _________ her vacation.
e) He reminds me ______________ my father.

4. The pronoum "who" in "health experts who overwhelmingly agree the connection may be more wishful thinking than solid science" can be replaced by:
a) Whom
b) Which
c) Whose
d) That
e) Where

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por faguiarsantos

Olá! Espero ajudar!

3) Letra a

a) He fought against racism his whole life.

b) She accused Paul of stealing.

c) He was aware of the problems.

d) She is looking forward to her vacation.

e) He reminds me of my father.  

4) Os pronomes abaixo são usados em inglês da seguinte maneira-

Who ⇒ associado ao sujeito (pessoas)  ou pronome pessoal

Which ⇒ associado ao sujeito quando este for um animal ou objeto

Whose ⇒ é um pronome possessivo (de quem, cujo)

Whom ⇒ associado ao objeto da frase, à pessoa que sofre a ação do verbo.

That ⇒ ligado ao sujeito sejam pessoas, coisas ou animais.


Letra D

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