Inglês, perguntado por felipediasleal99, 10 meses atrás

Help me
Ajudem o maninho


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jujujuba85


a) WHO are you?...

b) HOW old are you?...

c) WHERE are from?...

d) WHAT your real name?...

outra folha!!!!

a) He works every day.

b) She plays guitar.

c) They study on Mondays.

d) We like bananas.  

e) The girl going to school.

f) He study every day.

2) Passe as frases b, c, f do exercício acima para as formas negativa e interrogativa.

b) She plays guitar. = No interrogativo - Does she play guitar?

No Negativo - She doesn't play guitar.

c) They study on Mondays. = No interrogativo - Do they study on Mondays?

No Negativo - They don't study on Mondays.

f) He study every day. = No interrogativo - He study every day?

No Negativo - He doesn't study every day.

espero ter ajudado!!!

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