Inglês, perguntado por kauanrbr31, 5 meses atrás

help me

1. complete as sentenças passando os verbos do parênteses no presente simples.

a. The stores______(close) at 6 p.m. on Fridays

b. Idon t _______(like) cheese.

c.______(Do) she _______(know) the whole story?

d.cayo ______________to the College tonight .(go)

e.louise__________________at the Brad's Office

help me


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MeuNomeEBatata


a. The stores closed (close) at 6 p.m. on Fridays

b. I don't liked (like) cheese.

c. Did (Do) she know (know) the whole story?

d. Cayo went to the College tonight .(go)

e. Louise worked at the Brad's Office.

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